5 Indoor Plants that can change your Life.

Venky Reddy
4 min readMay 17, 2021

Nature has tested mankind every often and man has flourished. Nature has its own self-healing power while Man has to adjust to the nature to heal himself and his prodigy. Twentieth century has been a different era. Due to industrialization and urbanization, the flora and fauna on this planet has been dented dramatically. In an effort to restore the natural habitat, people have taken initiative to preserve greenery round their habitat. The latest fad has been the indoor gardens.

During the recent pandemic, oxygen levels have dropped significantly in some regions. Fresh air is badly in need and these indoor plants have been a boon for some people. Several plants have found place in the indoor gardens but some plants have the right to be indoor not only for ornamental purpose but also for healing.

Plants produce oxygen by taking in carbon-di-oxide which we exhale and produce pure oxygen through photosynthesis. Plants that are presented here are some of the best plants known for purifying air within homes.

1. Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemum morifolium

Chrysanthemums are also known as Chrysanthemum morifolium. These are also famously known as chrysanths or mums. Europe and Asia are the regions where these varieties can be found . Chrysanthemums are general found in flower arrangements and look great at home and are well known for their air purifying abilities. They grow in indirect sunlight and light to medium watering. As per NASA Clean Air Study, toxins that chrysanthemums can remove are ammonia, benzene, xylene and formaldehyde.

2. Spider Plant

Chlorophytum comosum

Spider plants also known as Chlorophytum comosum. Spider plants originates from Southern Africa. This plant is easy to maintain and comes in different varieties. Spider plants sustain in indirect sunlight and also survive in low temperatures. Spiderettes are the baby shoots grown out of the mother plant. As per NASA Clean Air Study, Spider plants remove some of the household air toxins such as formaldehyde and xylene.

3. Devil’s Ivy or Pothos.

Epipremnum Aureum (Money Plant)

Devils’ Ivy also known as Epipremnum aureum originates from Mo’orea in the Society Islands of Polynesia. It is called Money plant in Indian subcontinent. It is an easy to maintain plant with minimum water and direct to indirect sunlight. Philodendron the heart shaped leaf is said to be hard to kill than to keep alive. Some of the toxins removed by this plant are xylene, formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene.

4. Dwarf Date Palm

Phoenix Roevelenii

Dwarf Date Palms also known as Phoenix Roebelenii. Dwarf or Pygmy palms are the earlier stages of palm family. This plant is native to southeast Asia. This plant can survive with minimum water and direct to indirect watering. They need partial shade to grow and can grow very tall. Some of the toxins that this plant can remove are formaldehyde and benzene as per NASA clean air Study.

5. Rubber Plant

Ficus Elastica

Rubber Plant is known as Ficus Elastica. This plant is originates from Southeastern Asia. Rubber plant is burgundy evergreen plant can grow both indoors in a pot or can be planted indoors to form large indoor tree. Rubber plants require weekly water and can be kept under bright or filtered sunlight. Some of the toxins removed by Rubber plants are xylene, formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene.

These are some of the many plants that are not only for ornamental purpose but also provide great health benefits. During this pandemic where lungs have been affected badly due to COVID-19 virus, these plants are natures gift to mankind. Do embrace these plants and make a difference in your living style. Nature has its say in this way this time. Breathe fresh and Stay Safe.

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Venky Reddy

Architect, Business Professional, Blogger, Data Analyst,Thinker